Hello my friend, weird but at this very moment in time, you actually are my one and only friend. Every single person in my life either died or left. I was fine being alone but right now I'm extremely hopeless and deppresive. There are really few things that keep me going and one of them is you, I've never tought of that I could help someone like this. I've touched someones' life in a positive way and i'm always repeating this to myself when i feel down. But there is an old saying that "Terzi kendi söküğünü dikemezmiş" which means "The tailor couldn't sew her own rip/hole" I can't fix myself, i can help everyone in this planet but me. Literally, i'm trying everything to fit in but i can't. For the first time, my toughts are scaring me. I don't know where to go or what to do next. I'm going with the flow and this particular flow is only brings bad things. I can't take this life anymore.. I just can't.
지난날에 그가 내밀어주었던 말은 이번에도 변함없이 나를 지탱해 주었지만, 그가 힘들 때 나는 방파제가 되어주지 못했다.